The Teradata JDBC Driver is distributed as a platform-independent jar file. For downloading convenience, the platform-independent jar file and readme file are bundled together and provided in both zip format and tar format. The zip and tar files contain exactly the same set of files.
Download Teradata Vantage Express, a free, fully-functional Teradata Vantage database, that can be up and running on your system in minutes. Please download and read the user guide for installation instructions.
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With Revit 2021.1 and later versions, you no longer need to download all of the family content locally. Instead, you can use the Load Autodesk Family command to load default library families from the cloud on demand.
BOEM makes Geological and Geophysical Data publically available pursuant to current regulations covering data types and propriety terms. These terms and conditions are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 550 and 551.Geological and Geophysical data for the Gulf of Mexico Region can be requested through the BOEM Public Information Office (BOEM Public Information Ordering System) or may be downloaded via the BOEM Data Center: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Public Information Office Mail Stop 5304 1201 Elmwood Park Boulevard New Orleans, LA 70123-2394 Phone: 504-736-2519 or 1-800-200- GULF E-Mail:
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